
بدھ، 10 اپریل، 2013

Fracking Earthquake Fears Dismissed By Study

Fracking Earthquake Fears Dismissed By Study

Last Updated 05:11 10/04/2013
Most tremors caused by fracking are no more noticeable than those caused by "jumping off a ladder onto the floor", researchers have said.

Experts at Durham University looked at tens of thousands of fracking operations around the world but found they were "not significant" in causing earthquakes.

The process - which involves pumping a mixture of water and chemicals underground to deliberately crack sedimentary rock and extract oil and gas - is controversial, with a temporary ban only lifted by ministers in December last year.

Campaigners say it risks polluting water supplies and makes damaging seismic activity more likely.

However, Professor Richard Davies, of Durham Energy Institute, said: "Most fracking-related events release a negligible amount of energy roughly equivalent to, or even less than, someone jumping off a ladder onto the floor.

"It is extremely unlikely that any of us will ever be able to feel an earthquake caused by fracking.

"But, theoretically, it cannot be ruled out completely. We cannot see every fault underground and therefore cannot completely discount the possibility of the process causing a small, felt earthquake."

Professor Davies said the largest fracking-related earthquake ever recorded measured 3.8 magnitude.

A quake at Preese Hall near Blackpool, Lancashire, last April had a magnitude of 2.3.

By contrast, earthquakes caused by mining have measured up to 5.6, while tremors linked to the filling of reservoirs have measured up to 7.9.

Professor Davies said that in "almost all cases", seismic events caused by fracking were undetectable other than by geoscientists using specialist equipment.

He said oil and gas companies can reduce the risk of causing earth tremors by avoiding fault lines that are "critically stressed and already near breaking point".

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